Peer to Peer as an economic and ethical revolution

Seguono i seminari sull’Economia creativa a cura di Adam Ardvisson.

Questa volta tocca a Michel Bauwens, fondatore del Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives, uno dei
maggiori esperti mondiali su peer-to-peer e nuove forme economiche e sociali
parla di Peer to Peer as an
economic and ethical revolution

Giovedi 19 marzo ore 17 Aula 12, Scienze Politiche, Università di Milano, via Conservatorio 

A long-standing historical problem with
social alternatives has been that none have them have been more productive than
the for-profit alternatives, or at least not, in the context of the existing
balance of power. However, a combination of technical and social trends has
produced a historically novel situation that challenges this state of affairs.
Internet-based technical infrastructures have made it possible to scale
small-group dynamics to the level of global coordination of highly complex
social artefacts that produce common value for self-aggregating peer producers;
deep changes in ways of being, knowing and feeling have produced a new set of
open and free, participatory, and commons-oriented paradigms that are changing
the structure of desire of emerging generations. Remarkably, the new set of
social practices, i.e. peer production, peer governance, and peer property, are
both strengthening the current political economy, (much as

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